Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Summer Show 2011

Sunday was our allotment association's summer produce show. I haven't been to one before, but now I'm on the committee I felt it was time to get involved. I even entered some raspberries and potatoes, albeit a bit half-heartedly considering the scab on the potatoes and the varying colours of the raspberries!

It's hardly Chelsea, but it's a good bit of fun and events like this really increase the community spirit on the plots. And I got dozens of lovely comments about my first association newlsetter, which went to print a couple of weeks ago! It's nice to know it's appreciated :-)

The event started at 10am in the 'Sub Aqua Club' house next to the allotment site. People turned up with baskets and barrowloads of produce, registered their entries and laid them out on the tables, category by category.

As well as single veg categories, there were some for displays of veg or flowers...

...and some for the kids!

The entries were examined and scored by an accredited RHS judge. I was given the task of walking round with him to write down the scores, so I got a little extra insight on what he looks for! Then we enjoyed a barbecue and bring-a-dish lunch, a few pints at the bar, a raffle and of course the prize-giving. No, I didn't score a single point, but I'm really glad I went (and glad Eddie enjoyed himself too!), and maybe next year, diminutive onions and curly runner beans notwithstanding, I'll try to show a few more entries...

Do you have a show at your allotment site or town? Do you enter?


  1. I organise the show at my site. I don't enter seriously - it wouldn't be appropriate - but I put a few things in, and usually manage to win the odd class. Rhubarb this year.

  2. Hi Naomi, I've been asked to be a judge at a community garden Flower and Produce show in a couple of weeks time, and having never entered one, let alone scored any points, I'm intrigued (and slightly panicked) as to what it's going to be like. Fingers crossed I get it right on the day. Loved the blog. V.best Naomi

  3. Robert, that's cool! Congrats on the rhubarb :)

    Naomi, if you fancy it there's actually a little book called The Horticultural Show Handbook or something similar - an official RHS guide to running and judging a show. Our judge had a copy with him for reference. I'm sure you could get hold of one if you wanted... Enjoy!
