Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Wild Food Night - a guest post!

It was August's Wild Food Night last Wednesday, but Eddie and I were busy, errr, walking llamas!

But that's another story...

My friend and cooking buddy Dave - the one who introduced me to wild food nights in the first place and lets me drag him round woodlands picking berries and stuff - has stepped in to let you know what we missed! Here he is:

With Nome and Eddie indisposed for Wild Food Night this month, I have stepped in as a guest writer (and photographer) for the sake of the blog. So with parents in tow, celebrating a birthday, we sat down to a surprise meal, as the chef had not had time to write the menu!

For canapes we had elderberry 'hot shot' (which helped inspire our elderberry picking the next day! - Nome), crabapple and plum sorbet and a cube of hawberry jelly.  The warm elderberry was lovely - similar to a mulled wine but with a lighter, sweeter taste. The very pleasant smooth sorbet was almost mousse in texture. The hawberry jelly, as the chef put it, 'didn't quite work', and we agreed it was lacking in flavour.

Following this came a warm pigeon salad with crispy onions and a elberberry jus which was lovely.  All good size pieces and worked well together, just leave coriander out of salads please!

Spicy venison meatballs on spaghetti was the main course; not my mother's favourite as I now discover she doesn't like the texture of pasta, but we all agreed the spicy tomato sauce was a good strength - not too chilli hot, but just warm spices.

To finish, the bramble tartlet was good on my part but vanished in seconds with my parents so I think they must have enjoyed it.

All in all a good birthday dinner and we all left happy and well fed. Nome will be back next time and I will return to my blog at Dating World of Dave to continue ranting.

Thank you Dave! I'd have really liked to try the pigeon salad and the meatballs - ah well. Can't wait for next time!

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