Saturday, 18 June 2011

Very Berry

Yesterday we tasted the very first of our sweet and juicy raspberries, planted last year.

There are only a few at the moment - I'm hoping they'll hold on a few days so I can get a decent handful together for a dessert...

Some of the plants are looking a bit stressed, with yellowing or shrivelled leaves, and I'm not sure what's wrong. I forgot to take a picture... And we were disappointed to find a few of the canes mysteriously disappeared over winter! Hopefully I can transplant a few shoots or something to fill the spaces.

Ooh, what's that bug on the bottom-right of the raspberry? I didn't see that when I was taking it. I'm a bit paranoid about raspberry beetles but I don't think this is one. Looks mean though!

On a berry-related note, I have to show you the size of our 'Lucy' strawberries - they're so impressive and gorgeous!

On the other end of the scale, check out these wild strawberries! They grow like weeds in our garden - Mum hates them! But it's a shame to see them go to waste - I think I'll have to pick them and make use of them...


  1. We grow our own 'wild' strawberries for picking as they produce fruit for ages. I suppose they are a specially bred version - Mignonette - but I'd pick the wild ones too.

    The yellowing leaves on your raspberries could be aphid damage or it could be that the wind has given them a battering. It could also be that the old canes are running out of steam. Are the new canes OK?

  2. You know, I'm not sure - I really need to give them a good weeding and take a closer look. Maybe I'll post some pics then and try to get to the bottom of it. I'm afraid I tend to ignore the raspberries and hope they'll look after themselves!

  3. That looks like a spider. Definitely not a beetle.

  4. The Raspberries and strawberries look tremendous. Can't wait to eat our own soon!

    Martin :0)

  5. My raspberry bush is also a tad on the yellow and shrivelled side, especially where it is producing fruit. However, it is also simultaneously producing loads more green growth on the other side - I wondered that maybe as one side fruits and yellows, the other side gets growing ready for the next year? This is my first year of growing raspberries though, so no idea if this is true or not.
