Monday, 13 June 2011

Inside Job

One of my jobs is projecting films at the theatre where I used to work full-time. It's the perfect job for me - I get to sit alone and watch movies!

Recently I had the dubious pleasure of projecting 'Inside Job', which comes out on DVD today. I'm not usually one to watch documentaries but perhaps I should do so more.

The Oscar-winning 'Inside Job' tells the tale of the economic meltdown that cost tens of millions of people their savings, homes and jobs in and around 2008, and how the shameless greed and lies of a few financial top-dogs cost the world trillions of dollars. It's a serious eye-opener. Everyone should watch this film.

It left me pretty speechless, so I'm gonna turn to the words of others. Wesley Morris of The Boston Globe called it "A masterpiece of investigative non-fiction movie-making – a scathing, outrageous, depressing, comical, horrifying walk through what brought on the crisis. Scarier than anything Wes Craven and John Carpenter have ever made." Ben Kenigsberg of Time Out Chicago said it was "A relentlessly compelling primer on the economic meltdown, at once broad in its scope and lucid in its explanations... Remarkable that the movie could be as entertaining as it is." 

The scariest thing of all? Considering how the last financial crisis was dealt with, which the film describes, many think we're heading for another, bigger, one.

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