Sunday, 15 May 2011

May Strawberries!

I was delighted by the sight that greeted me at the allotment today!

No, no, not the thistles... No, not the bindweed! The red thingummys. And unmunched by bird or slug! Must get some netting over them pronto to keep it that way though...

Has anyone tried those white strawberries that apparently the birds don't touch? Just curious. Might give it a go one day, but today I'm very happy with the good old-fashioned red type.

Nom nom nom.


  1. They look amazing!

    Ours are doing quite well too!!


  2. It is going to be a bumper year for strawberries. Mine are still white but there are oodles of them. I have the bird netting ready to go!

  3. They look great - better get that netting out pronto! Mine are still flowering / green but I'm looking forward to a bumper crop too =)
