Tuesday, 29 March 2011

A Parsnip Feast

I love parsnips and grow lots every year, but I may be accused of being a little unimaginative when it comes to eating them... With two recipes this good, though, I don't care.

There's a recipe for 'Spicy Parsnip Soup' you'll find all over the internet and in loads of cookbooks. This is very similar, but roasting the veg instead of boiling them really brings out the flavours better, I think. This was passed on to me by a friend - I don't know where he got it from - and makes about six servings.
  • Mix 1tsp crushed coriander seeds, 1tsp crushed cumin seeds, 1/2tsp turmeric and 1/2tsp mustard seeds with 2tbsps olive oil.
  • Cut a large onion, 700g parsnips and two large tomatoes into chunks. Put them all in a bowl with the spiced oil, add 2 whole garlic cloves, and mix well.
  • Spread out on a baking sheet and roast at 200C for about half an hour, until soft but not too coloured (or the soup will end up a murky brown instead of lovely yellow!)
  • When cooked, liquidise the veg with about 500ml veg or chicken stock until smooth. Return to the heat and simmer gently, adding more stock until the soup reaches the consistency you want (I recommend about a litre in total).
  • Season to taste.
  • Just before serving, add a splash of lemon juice.
It's soooo parsnippy!

Of course, any good bread is great with a soup like this, but why not go the extra mile...?

Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Parsnip and Thyme Bread is a dead easy soda-type bread (recipe here) that combines grated parsnips, grated cheese, fried onions, thyme and black pepper in a gorgeously stodgy and moist loaf that's frankly fabulous all by itself, and goes great with soup or stew. If, like me, you're still using up the winter's parsnips, you must try this.

Parsnips... How do you eat yours?

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