Wednesday, 7 July 2010


I have grown my first crisphead lettuces!

For one reason or another I have always failed with these before - they never heart up for me. But now I have six or seven lovely crisp heads getting bigger. Hurrah!

Meanwhile though, my lollo rossa has gone brown and crispy. Why? Too dry maybe? The middles are still green so maybe there's still hope. It's difficult to make time to water everything as often as I probably should in this hot dry weather. I'm doing my best!


  1. We don't eat much lettuce so I grow cut and come again varieties. I find that I can just take the amount we need then without having to use the whole plant at once.

  2. Well done *smiles* they look fab. My lollo are looking a bit sorry for themselves too I put some dense netting over to try and shade them but we really need some decent rain!

  3. Dry weather and lettuce don't really mix. The salad leaved types seem to cope better.
