Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Have you seen this moth?

Having taken a pretty keen interest in wildlife as a kid, I'm always surprised to see an insect I've never come across before. Does anyone know what this rather lovely moth is, enjoying the view from the top of my mint?

Of course, I know you'll probably tell me it's the blighter that destroys my peas in their pods or produces those wormy green grubs I keep finding in my soil, but it's good to know the enemy too...


  1. If it was a bit less than an inch across the wingtips, it looks like Pyrausta purpuralis. It's not in my caterpillar book so I don't know what it eats. It's a family that produces a lot of pests of dried food, plus the dreaded wax moths which devour bee comb.

    I really must get a proper moth book!

  2. Is this it?

  3. Not one I've seen I'm afraid.

  4. Good detective work, Robert, I'm impressed! So it's out to eat my mint, huh? Well I think I can spare it some, for now at least.
