Monday, 24 March 2008

Snowed in

Well not literally. But the weather, as predicted, has been miserable all weekend and I've stayed safe indoors.

This is the home garden I've been working so hard on - ha! What a mess! There's still loads of rubbish to get rid of, and the high winds have kindly rearranged eveything for me too! As you can see, it really is tiny...
I was worried about the stuff in the greenhouse in this cold weather but it all seems to be doing fine, although the brassica seedlings on the very bottom shelf are straining for more light. I'll have to move them outside as soon as this cold snap finishes I think, even if only during the daytime.

The tomatoes and courgettes are sprouting in earnest now, though there's no sign at all of the melons which is a bit of a shame.

I've decided I don't really have room for all those tomatoes - perhaps just two of each variety. (Don't know if the problem was my maths or my overenthusiasm, but the previous plan meant they'd be planted just 9 inches apart! Now I'm a believer in spacing things closer together than they say you should, but that's just silly!) I didn't really expect every courgette seed to germinate, since they're quite old, so I've got more of them than I was bargaining for too - I think I'll be giving away a lot of plants in a few weeks' time! Ah well, I have a work friend who is thinking of taking on an allotment, and a sister-in-law who has just got her first garden, so it shouldn't be too difficult...

I've just realised that you can only see my Google Docs (under Growing Information on the right) if you're signed up to the site yourself, which is not what I wanted, so today I'm planning to have a go with Google Page Creator and/or and see if I can do something better. Watch that space...


  1. I've been scared to put seedlings outside in my little plastic greenhouse so far incase it's too colde but if you've got them growing fine then I may risk a few at the weekend to see how they do. I've run out of room inside now and it's holding up my sowing plan lol :)

  2. You should be ok; I started all the brassicas in the greenhouse from the word go - our house is so tiny we can't really have more than a couple of trays inside and that honour goes to the toms, peppers and courgettes, so I didn't have much choice! Germination was a bit slower but they've been fine otherwise. Get them used to the colder temperatures gradually though!
