Saturday, 24 March 2007

my kingdom for a greenhouse...

I sowed my first seeds today! Far later than most gardeners I'm sure, but I keep telling myself the plants will do better for being started a little later, and anyway I don't have a greenhouse which makes things a bit difficult...
Not only that but I have begun a notebook to systematically record growings-on (haha! sorry...) and entered how many sowings I will make of each crop and when, when they should be planted out and when they're ready for harvesting (one page for each variety for easy reference, to record when I actually do things and any problems - or solutions - I come across). Then I entered all that into a Google Calendar, so that I can see what needs doing each week at a glance! (I've put it on the right hand column of this page so you can see too. There's a calendar for sowing seeds indoors, one for outdoor sowing, and one for planting out - if anyone knows how I can display them all as one please do tell!) It took hours, and I stopped a few times to wonder if it was really worth it, but now all the hard work's done (almost all of it anyway) I think it's going to be really useful.
SO, having figured out what needed sowing urgently, I have done most of the list for this week and will finish off tomorrow. I also popped into Wilkinsons for a few gardening bits and spotted a six-variety pack of tomatoes I couldn't resist... Suddenly I find I'm growing not two different kinds but eight! There are yellow ones, cherry ones, plum ones, pear-shaped ones, giant ones, stripey ones - why not have some fun!?
Unfortunately, there's a lot more organising going on than actual labour; I'm afraid I'm still too fluey to go and dig in the cold so we haven't got any further with actually clearing the plot, but hopefully in the next few days I'll get down there again and carry on. Clocks go back tonight too so an extra hour of daylight in the evening should help! Eddie has promised to have a go tomorrow (hung over or not!) so I might wrap up warm and potter around and mark things out while he does the hard work. I'm sure it'll get done soon enough; if nothing else, 150 odd seedlings popping up in the kitchen should give us a sense of urgency!

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